Friday, September 07, 2007

Bradford pulls her bill

Green MP Sue Bradford has decided to pull her bill that recommends the lowering of the voting age, because it lacked support.
I have listened to public debate and realise the time is not right for success on voting age initiatives.

Heh. She knows that passing a bill is has nothing to do with public debate, it has to do with whether you can get - or arrange to bully - most MPs onside.

It's very hard to get Helen Clark to arrange for that persuasive or bullying approach she got on the smacking bill when a law you arre attempting to change is entrenched, as you need a higher proportion of Parliament to pass it.

It was never going to happen.


dad4justice said...

I thankful that the demented Bradford has abandoned Amazonian communism for the moment, as 80% of the population are still reeling after her latest slapstick social engineering smacking fiasco bill !

ZenTiger said...

Why does 'the time is not right' sound so ominous when Sue B says it?