Friday, June 17, 2005

Latest poll

If an election was held now, the Left would not be able to govern alone, according to the latest TV3 TNS poll of 1000 eligible voters from 9-15 June. (The poll was formerly NFO/CM Research). Labour are on 40 percent. Only once since the election have Labour been lower than 40 percent on this poll and that was in February 2004. It's also the highest poll result for NZ First since the election. Only National and NZ First polled higher than their election results.

In the preferred PM stakes, Winston Peters and Don Brash are one percentage point apart, on 16 and 15 percent respectively with Helen Clark getting even more than that on 33 percent.

The following are the percentage of the party vote, followed by the number of seats parties would get, based on Turia, Dunne and Anderton securing seats, as is likely, and the Maori Party getting no more than three electoral seats.

Labour 40 49
National 36 45
NZ First 11 14
Green Party 6 7
Maori Party 2.4 3
United future 1.9 2
Progressive 0.2 1
ACT 1.5 0

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