Saturday, October 09, 2004

Election stuff

Just like Bush had the upper hand in today's Presidential debate, (transcript here) I think John Howard will win today's election. I think Howard has the wood over Latham. But while there is a bit of argy-bargy between Labour and the Liberals, the Greens and the Family First party are at loggerheads over the Green's drug policy. The Family First party wants to form a Families Commission. This party sounds like a cross between CHP and United Future - except Greens, UFNZ and CHP supporters don’t throw eggs at each other

Confused? Check the links.


Anonymous said...

Yes, the CHP here and Rod Donald were quite cosy during the days of electoral reform, when both backed
MMP together. In the late nineties, the CHP surprised
everyone by adopting a GM-Free stance as well.


Anonymous said...

And haven't the CHP and UFNZ been trading insults
and abuse at one another since the breakup of their
(ahem) strange-sect marriage, the Christian Coalition,
in 1997.
