Sunday, January 29, 2006

gender does matter

I blogged recently that a woman got community service for having sex with a 13-year old, and that had she been a male, she would have got at least 12 months jail.

A man up for a similar charge got jailed for two years. Although the two cases are different - this guy knew that the girl was underage, Briar Dravitski thought her partner was 17, to give one example - both should have gone to jail.

And how about the nurse who stabbed her husband. She didn't even get a conviction.

If you are a woman that commits a crime, you get a lesser sentence than you would if you were a male. Its happening time and time again in this country

1 comment:

Little Red Riding Hood said...

There should be the same law for both I think, although some would argue that the impact of sexual abuse is a lot less damaging on guys than it is on girls.
Physical characteristics of males and females also make it more 'difficult' for women to rape men.