Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Ministry of Gender

National has said it is going to get rid of the Ministry of Women's Affairs if it becomes Government. Perhaps because nobody in National wants to be the Minister.

Can anybody tell me what the ministry actually does?

If National gets rid of the Ministry of Wimmen's Affairs, will it be replaced with the Ministry of Gender? Then it can assist all the poor women who can't get well paid jobs, all the men who can't get well paid jobs, all the boys who are failing at school, all the men who can't get custody of their children through the family court, all the gays who are getting discriminated against for everything they say they are being discriminated against, all the women who have been forced out to work by Helen Clark to take over the existing men who have resigned to take care of their kids so their partner can fulfil Helen's wishes, and all the people who need counselling because they don't know what gender they are.
It could make a difference for men and women in Aotearoa New Zealand. It could mean that men could get recognised for all the unpaid work we do, it could mean that stats are kept of men who do not register for a benefit because they are not entitled to because their partner is at work. It could mean that New Zealand can ratify the CEDAM treaty ( the Convention for Elimination of all Discrimination against Men), once the UN gets rid of all the feminists. Or is that CEDAG, the Convention for Elimination of all Discrimination against Gender.

Then once it is set up it can be merged with the Families Commission when National realises that everyone has a gender - some are transgender - and everyone is part of a family - some blended families, so why not blend the two ministries into one Ministry- Ministry for Families.( or MoE - Ministry for Everyone)

An excellent way to get rid of the Ministry of Women's Affairs.


Anonymous said...

perhaps profound sexism.. where is the mens affairs department??.. or do men keep their affairs hidden?? LOL. How much does this nonsensical ministry cost the taxpayer each year?

Anonymous said...

I actually agree with you that it should be a ministry of gender affairs rather than just women's affairs. It would allow for areas in which men are discriminated against (school education results for instance) to be sorted out while also sorting out the inbalance of wages and so forth that negatively impact on women.