making breast feeding a human right
An Auckland woman is campaigning to make breast feeding a human right. She was told by a preschool teacher to stop breast feeding her 2½ year old son, so she issued a sexual discrimination complaint to the Human Rights Commission who decided that the complaint was not within its scope.
The woman wants to protect breastfeeding as a fundamental human right in the same way as pregnancy and childbirth are protected, according to a petition signed by 9000 others. Not sure whether I`d compare breast feeding with giving birth. I have nothing against people breast feeding in cafes, swimming pools, libraries and the like, But I don't think I`d be too happy if I was having a long black and the woman in the adjacent table was getting pregnant or giving birth.
Isn't it about common sense. Where's the United Future media release on this?
It's just another entry in the catalogue of the feminist/PC attacks on social norms and morality. Breastfeeding is wonderful, natural, healthy etc etc. So are numerous other bodily functions, yet these functions are exercised with decorum and respect for other people.
The breastfeeding jihadis misrepresent objectors as anti-family or fuddy-duddy. Well how would they like it if I pissed on their garden, just because of the demands of my bodily functions?
If Sue Bradfords anti smacking bill goes through physically stopping a child from breastfeeding at this age could technically consitute an assault- are women going to have their teenagers coming in for their daily suck of the breast and not be empowered to stop this incase they "assault" the child by physically removing it?
In all other facets of the animal kingdom an infant is weaned when it is able to feed itself.. ie it gets teeth.. the same applies to breastfeeding for humans, nature never intneded for human babies to be breastfed after they developed teeth.. breastfeeding a two and a half year old is nothing to do with the physical needs of the child. I have no objection to a baby being breatfed in public, but an active child repulses me- where does this end? Do breastfeeding mothers line up on the school field ready to feed little Jonny at interval whilst the other children look on?
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