Saturday, July 02, 2005

Tammy Bruce

Tammy Bruce is a classic liberal. According to her website, she is also openly gay, pro-choice, gun owning, pro-death penalty, voted-for-President Reagan progressive feminist and former president of the National Organisation for women. She is currently in NZ. She is promoting a message that most lesbian liberals shun from and is doing a media tour. She thinks the media has Leftist tendencies and despises that. Her message is more akin to the message promoted by the Maxim Institute. She`ll be in the Sunday Star Times tomorrow, ( which will be interesting, given its leftist tendencies, on TV1, and. there's an article in the Herald by Sandra Patterson on her tour
It is likely I`ll be interviewing her tomorrow afternoon. I`ll be blogging it.


Nigel Kearney said...

I dare you to suggest to her that she is just like the Maxim Institute. In fact, I double-dare you. Go on. Do it.

You could film her reaction and sell it for real money. Put on a helmet first though.

Swimming said...

heh heh heh :-), I would if it were true..