Sunday, July 03, 2005

the Tammy Bruce interview

I've just had a call from Tammy Bruce. I can describe her in one word. Individual.

Tammy Bruce is in New Zealand for a media tour, but is also holding public meetings in Hamilton on Monday and Christchurch on Thursday. She is a classic liberal, a lesbian, and non-conformist. She was brought out by a grandmother that used to be on the ACT list in the 2002 election.

Tammy Bruce, an American, opposes hate crimes, political correctness, and the feminist and gay rights movement she once belonged to. Yet she is a pro choice, gun-owning, pro death penalty feminist. She supports civil unions, believes in equality for all and thinks Christians are more tolerant than homosexuals. She can talk fast and is not short of an opinion, no matter how unpopular it may be.

Although she is a lesbian, she opposes extreme gay rights and gay marriage, believing that churches should not be forced to hold gay weddings. But that does not mean homosexuals cannot have the same rights as others, Bruce claims. "I want equal rights without co-opting marriage".

Sounds like a contradiction in terms. Perhaps this is one reason why she recognises that she is not accepted into the gay and lesbian community due to her outspoken views. She says the community of people who share her sexual orientation want to "demonise" her. She adds that she doesnt approve of "extremists:" pusingh their minority views among the majority, a comment clearly aimed at gay activists rather than any other minorty group.

"People like me are a threat to the gay community as if you do not conform, you will be shunned. If you want to belong you have to conform, otherwise you`ll be under the gun".

In fact, she has more time for those in the Christian community, despite their disapproval of her sexual orientation.

"The Christian community does not shun me, but at least they are wanting to dialogue. Christians are used to the ideals of tolerance that make a nation great. (But) I do have issues with organised religion. Lately I have found with Christianity that it make the quality of peoples lives better."

Not that she`ll be one, though, she doesn’t want to conform. Not that you have to, of course.

There's lots of things Tammy Bruce doesn’t like. Big Government and the "left". The "left", she claims, controls the media, gay rights and promote unnecessary political correctness, and although she was once a part of that movement she no longer is, preferring to defend classic liberalism. Like interpreting hate rime legislation. She says it is hypocritical and asks why a group of people should be getting special treatment just because they are part of a community.

"The left claim to be the defenders of liberty - but write the hate crimes law".

On Government, Tammy Bruce says that the bigger the government gets, the more it's going to dictate what we can and can't do. "The Government should not dictiate our lives."

"It's the people that make the difference in our countrey, not the politicians. I want people to be free"

Tammy Bruce is not one to spend all her time criticising those who don’t share her views. She speaks her mind, but has views to promote as well. After all she is a classic liberal, promoting individualism and freedom.

"I believe in the power of the individual. I feel I am part of a community of individuals I believe that we should have these discussions and talk about these ideas.

"After years of compromising, I aim for what improves the quality of our lives

See Tammy Bruce on Close Up with Ian Sinclair tomorrow (Monday).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tammy Bruce is live with Bob McCoskrie on NZ's Rhema on Tuesday 9-10. Your chance to talk to Tammy!