Tuesday, July 05, 2005

a first

updated Wednesday
Well, it's a first - deleting a post the day after I posted it. I was sick of seeing all these pics of Helen Clark I had on the blog - it was giving me a headache, as you would of course understand. Perhaps this headache had someting to do with the fact that I hit the sack at 7:30pm last night and slept for the entire night - double my usual nights sleep. Perhaps I should have put a series of pictures of David Farrar...er, um, I mean,Tammy Bruce.

I`m tossing up as to whether to go to this Destiny thing on Friday, they had a thing in Whatakane today where some of the Destiny candidates gave "stirring" speeches, but I though I may be inclined to give a pretty short stirring speech myself.

Did Ashraf really say that gays should be stoned? If so, I`d hate to be a gay Muslim.But of course, he didn't, did he. Tim Barnett said so.As as for the Koran and the Bible, does Russell Brown know anything at all about the Koran and the Bible - I mean, has he read any of these books he likes to criticise? He`d get a bit pissed off if, say, a reviewer trashed his Great New Zealand Argument, without having read it, wouldn`t he? Is it true that the "Koran is incorrect - and even, in places, mad, bad and positively dangerous"? Does Russell even know the difference between Old and New Testament laws?

Now that Winston Peters has decided that if he is in the position to pick the Government, he`ll do it in a third of the time - three weeks. That means he`ll probably pick Labour. So you National voters can stop pumping up NZ First in the polls. Watch the left go down and the right go up in the next poll.


Iain said...

I must say that I did a pretty large double-take when I saw this shot of ol' Clarksey in the shop window.

It made me think about how the photo didn't represent the kind of woman that she thus far seems to be.

And then I laughed. Laughed good.

Anonymous said...

Destiny Church in Whakatane. My old home town. Ahhh, that hot bed of small town fundamentalist enthusiasm. Many a night I remember we drove the atheists and solo mothers out of town with our pitchforks. We burned more than a few. With a magician like Tamaki I am sure that he will "slay" them in the spirit.

Anonymous said...

Can anybody show me where in the Q'uran its says homosexuals should be stoned? Choudray is wrong about his own book.The Old Testament-yes Q'uran- No

Captain Calculus said...

Hello, just a curtesy mail to informyou that I have added a link on my blog to Big News.

All the best

