Capill - rapist, molester, hypocrite.
I feel sick. Not as sick as when I heard the charges of child rape, as I was pretty much certain that Capill would be convicted and sent to prison. The first charge was bad enough. Today he is in custody and is facing a prison sentence of at least eight years. That is the minimum he will get. This for raping, molesting and God knows what else to girls during the entire time he was the leader of a Christian Political Party.
I feel sorry for his victims. I feel sorry for his family. I feel sorry for the eight year old girl who, when raped, said "You have a wife - why don’t you do that to her". I feel sorry for Capill's wife.
I feel disgusted that I was interviewing a "so called" Christian leader who was moralising on the telephone to me when I was a journalist only to find out that he may have been raping a girl later that evening. I told Capill several times that he would never make it into Parliament. What I didn't know was one of the reasons why. If Capill was a real Christian he would have admitted his sins at least after the first charge rather than letting the whole matter drag out.
Someone should really check his computer to see what porn he was watching.
As Christian Heritage leader Ewan McQueen said today ,"It's blatant hypocrisy". Thank God he didn’t get into Parliament.
Someone I respect once told me that nothing big like this is ever a "one time only" affair.
The big question in my mind is whether Graham Capill was a wolf who took shelter in the sheepfold, or a genuine believer who couldn't control his passions.
More than anything I find this story to be incredibly sad.
When it came down to it, Capill paraded the name of Christ before the world, then trampled it beneath his own feet.
That doesn't make Christianity to blame, it just makes Capill a sad little man who couldn't hold himself together as a normal functioning person. It is a shame that idiot like him make the good they are supposedly trying to achieve into a farce when people find out what they were really achieving when it came down to it.
Also, to Joshua, I'd be very doubtful if Capill didn't know that what he was doing was wrong. It takes an average person to commit a wrong deed, a terrible person to commit a heinous crime like this, but a complete sociopath to not recognise that what they did was wrong (not to mention an idiot, rational thought can always compare actions to current law).
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