Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Weapons of mass dismissals

John Key's solution to tax cuts is mass redundancies in the state sector. Meaning if those planned for the chop don't get other jobs they won't get wages, let alone tax cuts.

"We are simply going to operate a core state sector with less people in it,” He told BFM. However he has said that no front line staff will lose their jobs. He wants to sack loads of bureaucrats, who will, ironically benefit most from the tax cuts if they are in their current jobs. Then Key wants to put the money into more front line jobs and the rest into paying for tax cuts. And then there's the consultants.

Answer: mass redundancies of bureaucrats and low paid frontline staff, and some of the bureaucrats rehired on contracts at even higher wages. And we don’t mean wiping out the Ministry of Women's Affairs, 25 redundancies wont pay for much.

According to Key, if loads of bureaucrats get the chop, there wont be mass unemployment as there was in the 1980's as bureaucrats can easily get jobs.

Like in Australia, perhaps?

Key's view is "well, the Government is spending the extra money it isn't entitled to, so why not give it back to the over taxed taxpayers." Problem is, that if that was correct, and the main issue, why would he talk about mass redundancies to pay for tax cuts, if the money is already there?

Sure, some of it is there. Key needs to talk dollars, not ideology. If he doesn't, lots of people will be voting NZ First and United Future because National doesn’t front up with the figures, and Labour wont give tax cuts - and measly ones at that - until 2008 - both of which are unacceptable.

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