Monday, April 25, 2005

Porn news spreads as fast as porn

The New Zealand Police is getting a world-wide reputation of being randy porn surfers.

At least four Chinese media outlets have covered the story, one noting that 5000 images - or 20 percent of the computer system were found.
The Sydney Morning Heraldcarries the story, as does
The Age and the UK' Register which leads with this comment:
Randy coppers in New Zealand waste so much time surfing for porn while on the job that fully 20 per cent of police computer system capacity is devoted to storing the images, an official audit has revealed.

Heh heh

Police Commissioner Rob Robinson says some of the porn was " sexually explicit images of sex acts". Well, what is the point of having images of sex acts if they are not sexuaIly explicit? Wait till overseas media find out that up to a third of the force was found with unacceptable e-mails.

I had to snigger at this Chinese report on the porn scandal which calls ACT the "out-party". It could be right, come the election. The story comments not only on the porn scandal, but the 111 calls, the understaffing, and the lack of confidence the general public have in the police.

The NZ police will be the laughing stock of other police outfits around the world all because Rob Robinson over reacted to the porn discovery to publicly appear on side with the Government.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are 38,000 extra civil servants.
lets clean up all the computers and sack people found with any with porn.
that will lower the wage bill.
bet that parliament buildings lose a lot of staff.
more importasntly anyone so asacked must not be employed by govt depts for 5yrs.