Friday, December 03, 2004

Two opposing opinions

The Herald has a editorial explaining why the civil unions bill should be passed but it wasn't written by Garth George
Garth George has written opposing the bill, suggesting that MPs don't know what they are doing by voting this bill in.

And, you know, he's right. Some MPs haven't even read the bills. Most of those who have been polled have not read the bill. Many submitters to the select committee have not read or understood the bills and it shows on their submissions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, especially in the case of the opponents of the legislation who made submissions, as CUB supporters have maintained all along.

Anyway, look on the bright side. If the Civil Union Bill passes its third reading and the Relationship
(Statutory References) Bill joins it early next year,
that will isolate SSM purists within the LGBT community, given that we will already have all the rights and responsibilities of heterosexual marriage.

Note also "responsibilities."
