Thursday, July 01, 2004


The Relationships ( Statutory References) Bill passed last night, 77 - 42. The Hansard reports are available here Best speech in support of the Civil Union Bill was Moana Mackey, best speech opposing was Peter Dunne.

I finally got the list today (Wednesday) on the vote on Tuesday, but was too busy to blog it until now. Those who didn’t vote for Civil Unions but voted for the Relationships (Statutory References) Bill include:

United Future: Peter Dunne, Gordon Copeland, and Judy Turner.

National: John Key, Murray McCully, Wayne Mapp , Roger Sowry, Georgina Te Heu Heu, and Maurice Williamson.

Labour: Ashraf Choudhary, Harry Duynhoven,, Winnie Laban, Janet Mackey, Paul Swain and John Tamihere
This is what ACT MP Stephen Franks has to say about them:

"Anyone who votes against the gay marriage bill but in favour of the companion bill should think hard about their logic. At least gays want marriage. The second Bill denies and eliminates legal differences between marriage and other relationships. That is the error we must reverse".

But what he didn’t say is how to treat this who vote for the companion bill but against the gay marriage bill. The ACT vote was a surprise. Gerard Eckhoff, Heather Roy and Richard Prebble voted for the Civil Union Bill but not the Relationships (Statutory References) Bill. How do they expect the Civil Union bill to have any teeth if the Relationships (Statutory References) Bill is not passed also? Only Hide and Shirley voted in favour of the bill. What is the logic in that?

Meanwhile Peter Dunne is calling David Benson Pope an intolerant prick. Well, that wasn’t his exact words, but he`s right.

And Stephen Franks is not happy with the Maxim Institute's view on gay people.
I would respect the Maxim Institute and the thousands of genuinely concerned submitters more if they would focus their submissions and their debate on what they want marriage to be, rather than simply attacking those—particularly the gays—who are asking to share in it. I suggest that marriage is a legal ruin and they should be planning a rebuild.

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